Safe Place - Dudley Voices For Choice

Safe Places is a scheme for vulnerable people.

It gives people a place of safety, if it is needed when out and about in their local community.

If you see this sign in a window it means someone inside can help you, or call someone if you want them to.

Safe Place - Dudley Voices For Choice

You have a card with your name, a family or carers name and contact number.

Safe Places Website - Dudley Voices For Choice

You can find out where the places are by looking on the website.

Get In Touch for Safe Places Website - Dudley Voices For Choice

If you want to get a card or need more information please get in touch:

07930 636552 / 01384 217057

Good Idea - Dudley Voices For Choice

If you know of a Safe Place that you think should be in the scheme let us know.